PROJECT TITLE: "Energy performance and indoor comfort significant increased in Turda public schools "

FUNDING SOURCE : Grant scheme supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021, within the "Romanian Energy Program"

BENEFICIARY: Turda Municipality Administrative-Territorial Unit


THE PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: it consists in improving the quality of the learning conditions of students in the Municipality of Turda by improving the energy efficiency of the educational infrastructure.

Increasing the energy performance of these buildings will reduce operational costs and allow a part of the current energy costs to be redirected to other activities, contributing to the increase in the standard of living in Turda.

Another long-term goal of this project is to reduce the greenhouse gas footprint of building operations, thereby contributing to national and international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The specific objective of the project is the rehabilitation and energy efficiency, consisting of investments in the heating/ventilation/air conditioning/domestic hot water (HVAC) systems and indoor public lighting, of three public buildings, respectively "Emil Negruțiu" College, Turda Technical College and "Liviu Rebreanu" Theoretical High School.

In terms of key performance indicators, the following results will be achieved:
1. Reduction of energy consumption by at least 2.207 GWh/year (62.34% reduction);
2. Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 550 t CO 2 /year (63.42% reduction);
3. Reduction of real operating costs by 77,487 euros/year (55.70% reduction);
4. Ensuring a healthy and clean indoor environment for more than 5,700 people every year as building occupants.

TOTAL PROJECT VALUE: 1,726,234 euros (including VAT), of which:
1,340,000 euros (77.63%) represents the non-reimbursable amount of grant-type financing granted by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021;
386,234 euros (22.37%) represents the co-financing of Turda Municipality.

PROJECT START DATE: 02.12.2020 (date of signing the Grant Offer Letter no. 2020/515836)
PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 40 months respectively between 02.12.2020 and 30.04.2024 to which is added the period of financial closure of the project until 31.07.2024.
For detailed information on the other grant schemes funded by the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021, we invite you to visit:

Energy Program in Romania

Marius Lucan - project coordinator
External Financing and International Relations Department
Turda City Hall
phone/fax 0264-311630